Monday, September 7, 2009

some stuff

Getting things together for the next big adventure involving bicycles, good company, and many Latin Americans. Details later...

A bit of boredom and unlimited time on a laptop with my most recent memory card led me to upload a few pics. Cheers!
From CB hikes

From CB hikes

From CB hikes

From CB hikes

From CB hikes

From CB hikes

From CB hikes

From CB hikes

From CB hikes

Friday, September 4, 2009

Guess who's back?

It's been a busy summer here in Crested Butte, what with working part-time and constantly backpacking and biking and all. Just got back from an incredible and epic trip with LB, taking loaded bikes up and over jeep roads around town. Biked up and over Schofield Pass, down the infamous Devil's Punchbowl, down to Aspen on the rec path, then back up on jeep roads over Pearl Pass and back into town at 1 am after hours of sublime moonlit riding.

A few pics:

From Pearl Pass biking

From Pearl Pass biking

From Pearl Pass biking

From Pearl Pass biking