Friday, April 3, 2009


"Whats up with the weather?" the woman in front of me in the grocery line asks.

"The zombies are coming. Got your ray gun?" chimes in the cashier.

This is the sort of quality conversation that weirdo lighting in the valley brings out to spice up my grocery shopping experience.

The view toward the mtn wasn't that out of the ordinary

Looking in the other direction was

No Photoshopping here kids...

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  1. Dude, that is a straight up freaky looking sky. I'd get your ray gun if I were you!

  2. Steve "Vice On Two Wheels" UlreyApril 4, 2009 at 5:44 PM

    Disco, Found your website tonight. Amazing and cool pics. You da man! I'm riding my bike again this summer. Over 18,000 miles in five years. Every continental state has now experienced my urine. Powered by ice cream and beer. Woo hoo!
